Now showing items 461-480 of 1138

      Board composition, India, Pharmaceutical firms, Return on assets, Tobin Q [1]
      board of directors, corporate governance, COVID-19, financial performance, pandemic [1]
      Body image, Jordan, psychosocial performance, self-acceptance, young women [1]
      Body-worn sensors, filter, healthcare monitoring, hidden Markov models, locomotion detection, machine learning, noise reduction, patterns recognition [1]
      Bohemians, Fractional Fourier integral, Optical Fresnel integral, Paraxial diffraction integral [1]
      Bombay stock exchange, exchange rate fluctuations, gold prices, macroeconomic volatility, NARDL model with dynamic multipliers, oil prices, unit root test with structural breaks [1]
      booster dose, COVID-19 vaccine, intention, lactating, pregnant [1]
      booster doses, COVID-19, healthcare workers, vaccines [1]
      Boosting, Convolutional neural networks, Data models, DenseNet-fully convolutional network, electricity theft detection, Feature extraction, Fraud, gated recurrent unit, light gradient boosting method, Logic gates, Machine learning, machine learning, Meters, oversampling, smart grids, Smart grids [1]
      Boundary layer (B.L), Chemical reaction (C.R), Dimensionless stress (D.S), Entropy generation (E.G), Nonlinear stretched surface (N.S.S), Variable magnetic field (V.M.F) [1]
      Boundary layers, Engines, Flow of fluids, Iron oxides, Magnetite, Microelectronics, Needles, Nonlinear equations [1]
      Boungrino model, Cattaneo–Christov heat flux, error analysis, stretched surface, Three-dimensional flow [1]
      Brain drain, Canada'S leadership, Conflict of interest, Real estate market [1]
      brain tumor, classification, deep learning, healthcare, magnetic resonance imaging, neural network, pre-trained models [1]
      brain tumors, Deep Learning, healthcare, magnetic resonance imaging, neural network, pre-trained models, tumor classification [1]
      Brand Awareness, Public Relations; Social media, Trust, Word of Mouth [1]
      Brand Image, Positive Word of Mouth, Product Quality, Trust Worthiness, United Arab Emirates [1]
      Brand loyalty, Consumer-based brand equity, Customer experience, Facilitating conditions, Social media marketing [1]
      brand preference, consumer aspirations, gender, India, luxury brand [1]
      brand-name drug, generic drug, in vitro evaluation, metformin, quality control test, thermal analysis [1]