Now showing items 1121-1138 of 1138

      Technical and Vocational Education and Training, TVET, Integration of Technology, Curriculum Development, UAE, UK Introduction [1]
      Telecommunication Technology, Teleprocedures, Remote Trial, Defendant’s guarantees, UAE [1]
      Teriz Haddad, Contemplation of Estrangement Features, Leave Me Alone, Short Story, Narrative, Feminist Literature [1]
      testing [1]
      Textbooks, Communication, Media, Attitude, Arabic, English [1]
      The Holy Quran, psychological and physical variables, yoga exercises, aerobic exercise, sports training, heart rate, relaxation [1]
      trade flows, economic development, Malaysia, Pakistan, volatility [1]
      Treaty arbitration, investment treaties, transparency in arbitration, UNCITRAL, UNCITRAL Arbitration Rules, Mauritius Convention, Convention on Transparency, Rules on Transparency [1]
      Trends, Media and Communication Research, Scientific journals, Analytical study [1]
      Uncertainty quantification, tolerance-aware design, yield optimization, multi-band antennas, performance-driven modeling [1]
      Undergraduate Students, Research skills, Private Universities, UAE [1]
      Use Case modeling, UML Requirements, Engineering Functional Requirements [1]
      values, tolerance, academic achievement, university students, culture [1]
      Violence detection, violence recognition, deep learning, convolutional neural network, inception v4, keyframe extraction [1]
      Viscoelastic material, group similarity analysis, thermal relaxation time, parametricinvestigation, variable magnetic field, error analysis [1]
      Wheat, Triticum aestivum, grains , essential nutrients, diets, linear regression, multiple linear regression, support vector machine, short-wave near infrared [1]
      Wideband, hybrid dielectric resonator, perforated structure, Ku band, K band, cylindrical DR, rectangular slot patch [1]
      الحماية الدولية، القانون الدولي، حقوق الإنسان، القانون العام، المشردين قسريا [1]