Now showing items 1-20 of 53

      abnormal returns, cross-border acquisitions, event study methodology, India, mergers and acquisitions, pharmaceutical firms, short term gains [1]
      Abu Dhabi Securities Exchange (ADX), Amman Stock Exchange (ASE), financial performance, financial position, financial technology (FinTech) [1]
      ACA, Access to care, Affordable Care Act, Co-residence, Labour supply, Medical expenditure [1]
      Academic organization, Learning leadership, Long-term and medium-term leadership, Three-factor model of leadership, Transformational leadership, Visionary leadership [1]
      Accounting standards, Financial information, Marketing strategy, Parameters of financial information, Shareholders [1]
      activity theory, Bedny's theoretical perspective, Google, mental image, private Jordanian university, search engine optimization [1]
      Adaptive selling, cross/up selling, selling skills, social media, Social selling [1]
      additional constraints, applications, bin packing problem (BPP), Cutting and packing, rectangular shape [1]
      Administration, Emotional Intelligence, Entrepreneurship, Fostering Creativity, Innovation, Intrinsic Motivation, Jordanian Business [1]
      Administrative corruption, Culture, Institutional weakness, Organizational culture, Political instability, Social class [1]
      Adolescents health, Bayesian methods, COVID-19, Digital media, Ecosystem services, Planetary health, Sustainable development [1]
      Adoption, awareness, banking sector, banks, convenience, cost, internet of things, IoT, privacy, safety, social influence [1]
      Agency Theory, Board of Director, Corporate Governance, Ownership Structure, Shareholder Structure, Systematic Review [1]
      agricultural sector, financial deepening, manufacturing sector, sectoral growth [1]
      Agriculture sector, ARDL, Economic growth, Green revolution, Tornqvist-Theil index, Total factor productivity [1]
      AHP, Business, Economics, Finance, Health economics, India, Management, Policy coverage, Risk analysis, Risk management, Risks, Social insurance [1]
      AI chatbots, aI in HRM, artificial intelligence, ChatGPT, future of HR, HR bots, human resource management, human resource technology [1]
      Air Pollutants, Economic Growth, Environmental Performance, Kuznets Curve [1]
      Air pollution, Environmental awareness, Environmental education, Greenhouse gas emission, Sustainable development, Water shortage [1]
      alignment hypothesis, emerging market, family ownership concentration, family-controlled firms, real earnings management [1]