Now showing items 41-51 of 51

      asymmetric GARCH models, bibliometric analysis, literature review [1]
      Asymmetric granger causality analysis, Cross-sectional augmented IPS unit root, Exchange rate and stock prices, Global financial crisis, Non-linear panel ARDL, South Asian stock indexes [1]
      asymmetric volatility, financial assets, model comparison, univariate Generalized Autoregressive Conditional Heteroscedasticity models [2]
      asymmetric, average rainfall, CO2 emissions, livestock, mean temperature, Pakistan, precipitation [1]
      asymmetrical Granger causality, exchange rate, global financial crisis 2008, heterogeneous nonlinear panel ARDL model, Hsiao test of heterogeneity; stock indexes [1]
      attitude towards brand, attitude towards brand credibility, brand credibility, Brand Management, Consumer Behaviour, Endorser credibility, Kaouther Kooli, Bournemouth University, United Kingdom, Marketing Research, purchase intention [1]
      Attitude, Bangladesh, Environmental concern, Green energy technology, Green innovation, Rural entrepreneurs [1]
      Attitude, Behavioural control, Constraints; Entrepreneurship, Gen Z, Resilience, Subjective norms [1]
      Attitudinal loyalty, Behavioral loyalty, Corporate social responsibility, Economic responsibility, Ethical and legal responsibility, Philanthropy responsibility [1]
      Auditory factors, Customer Satisfaction, Loyalty, Restaurants, Visual Factors [1]
      authentic–stringent leadership, contingency approach, ethical–tournament leadership, Millennial workforce, servant–tolerant leadership [1]